Jewellery StyleThe Other Metallics

When it comes to accessories, all options are on the table. That’s the trend and no one’s complaining. We like beads in all kinds of materials, from glass to gold.

We like our metal jewellery in pure separates and these days, we especially like them mixed. Basically, we want to have it all and thankfully, there are many ways to get it all.

Past trends have served up a lot of Silver and Gold. Moving forward, other metallics are likely to become more popular.

Brass, Copper, and Gunmetal are other metals that have always been appreciated by many. The resurgence of grunge and punk fashion (among others) means we’re likely to see more of them in the future.

With our love for Gold & Silver long established, now’s a good time to discover a new metallic favourite. Will it be Brass, Copper, or Gunmetal? I say all of the above! Why not?


On a good day, brass can be mistaken for gold. However, appreciating brass for what it is means recognizing its distinctive dull (not faded) look. The lustre of brass reflects rich dark browns and muted yellows. Brass can also have a hint of dull olive green.


This lovely reddish – orange glow is the beauty of Copper. Unfortunately, most of us only encounter it when poorly plated gold or silver jewellery begin to fade. These experiences aside, copper jewellery have a beauty of their own. I think the lustre of copper is at its best with muted shine, more colour nuance, and some texture.


Gunmetal actually has a significant fanbase. You need only look beyond jewellery and artillary (yes) to see that it is appreciated for other aesthetic purposes. For instance, gunmetal is a popular colour for posh cars and hi-tech gadgets. Gunmetal lustre is also considered ideal for masculine jewellery. It gives jewellery a sleek, rugged, & edgy look. Needless to say, this appeals to both men and women.

For authentic gunmetal lustre, go for jewellery that have dark blue or blue-black metallic finish. Beaded jewellery made of Hematite (pictured above) are also gunmetal fabulous!


Other metallic lustre worthy of note include bronze, oxidized (darkened) silver, and coloured golds.

As you shop for new jewellery in the months ahead, keep an open mind. Try alternative metallics like Brass, Copper, & Gunmetal. Above all, stay tuned to this blog.

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